CSA: Everything You Need to Know

Area 2 CSA boxes are packed with fresh, organic produce that’s always in season. Our local farmers are grounded in traditional methods and skilled at the latest techniques–that means they can grow (almost) anything, any time of the year. You’ll get a box full of your favorites, plus plenty of variety. When you buy a seasonal CSA with Area 2, you’re supporting a small business, connecting with your community, and investing in your own health.

Hand pulls pink radish from soil with other radishes in ground behind

5 Reasons to Join a CSA:

1. Local and Fresh

Everything in your CSA box was grown within 10 miles of your home and put in your hands within 24 hours of harvest. That means each vegetable you get is at peak freshness, full of flavor and nutrition. And you’re buying directly from the person who grew it.

2. Variety & Discovery

Each CSA box is a mix of familiar flavors and new-to-you vegetables you'll love to try. Our farming techniques let us grow anything, any time-so you can expect to discover some fun varieties.

3. Health & Wellbeing

When produce is harvested and delivered on the same day, it retains more nutrients (and deliciousness, of course). Because we’re your local farmers, your CSA box will only contain the freshest vegetables that deliver the most health benefits.

4. Make it Easy

When produce is harvested and delivered on the same day, it retains more nutrients (and deliciousness, of course). Because we’re your local farmers, your CSA box will only contain the freshest vegetables that deliver the most health benefits.

5. Smart and Sustainable

We’ll let you know what we’re harvesting next–and include recipes and ideas in each box (plus some fun extras to help you get the most out of your CSA). Planning, prep, cooking: done!

Area 2 Farms

Not your ordinary farm.

🥬 Organic

🧑‍🌾 Know your farmers

✌ Certified B-Corp




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